Episode 66- Healing Through Beauty



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As a young one, I was a real teenager’s teenager.

Sex, drugs, and 90’s hip hop were my lifestyle; a hard shell I used to protect the tender, sensitive, insecure girl I was inside.

After high school I made the decision not to go to college, for two reasons: 

1. I made it through school by the skin of teeth and sensed that if I had unlimited access to drugs and alcohol it would not be good. 

2. I had gotten a summer job at a department store makeup counter and felt I had FOUND MY CALLING.

So I signed up to become a licensed esthetician (facialist.).

I’ll never forget the first time I received a facial.

As I laid down on the massage table, eucalyptus scented steam swirled around the room.  The facialist poured a golden oil into her hands and performed a ballet of touch on my face and neck.  As she painted my face with a mineral rich mud mask, I took the deepest breath I had taken since I was a baby.

My little teenage body, wracked with toxins and trauma, exhaled.

At that time I felt stupid for not having left home to go to school like all my friends did.

But looking back I can see I was being saved.

Do you yearn for more beauty in your life?

Not just prettiness, but real, soul soaking beauty?

If so, allow me to get the door by sharing today's podcast episode: Healing Through Beauty

In Body Butter’s Holy Name,


P.S. - Next week I’m teaching a free class called Embodied Woman, Open heart, and you are invited as my guest.

Come and enjoy a spa treatment for the soul.



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Episode 67- Embodied Goal Setting Lesson 01


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