Episode 63- Loving Your Unlovable Parts



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When I first met my dog Winnie, she was covered in mange, rife with dysentery, and shivering in a corner with fear.

I was two weeks out of an eleven year marriage at the time, so our states of being were an exact match!

Each time I work with a client, they come with their own inner Winnie; shivering, untrusting. Sometimes even vicious.

This part is no monster my love. It is your most precious and powerful life force, trapped in a state of unbearable tension.

If you resist, it just runs more fiercely towards you. It's like the prodigal child, seeking only open arms to fall into so it can finally let go.

Today on the podcast I'm sharing some of my own hard-won gems in loving my unlovable part, to inspire and encourage you to take a closer look in those dark corners.

You might just find some beauty there.

If you're tired of feeling held back, held down, or held hostage by the parts you deem unlovable, come on over here.

Put them in my lap for a while. They've got a story to tell, and I am all ears.

She can sit with us,

P.S. - Love = freedom. With real, genuine, organic love, tension can release, blocks can dislodge and new streams of creative power can flow in. Your body knows how to do this naturally. But sometimes your mind could use some help.

Embodied Intelligence Coaching opens up for new clients in just a few weeks. Click here to join the waitlist and be notified of a special savings for wait list subscribers only.


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Episode 64- Befriending Exercise


Episode 62- How to Relax Through Compassion