Episode 73 - The Joy of Discipline



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This week I traveled to Washington DC to celebrate the life of a true hero, warrior and friend, Justin Constantine.

As a retired Marine, Justin knew a thing or two about discipline.

I have always envied the disciplined among us, and felt like they were born with a gene I wasn't.

But over the last few years I've come to understand discipline differently, and actually worship at it's altar.

Discipline creates a structured container for the feminine flow.

Without riverbanks we'd just be one giant puddle.

The beautiful chaos of creative energy needs the balloon weight of discipline to be at its best. We need both.

And today's episode will teach you how to lap up joyful discipline like a well-trained pup.

In today's episode you'll hear:

- The secret rocket fuel that makes discipline take off
- How to embody discipline as a feminine, sensitive creature
- The one discipline that can change everything
- How to use discipline to create more beauty, meaning and connection in your everyday

As Justin would say "You are stronger than you think you are."

Listen in, and let's flex.

With love,


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