Episode 41 - When You Find Out What You’re Really Made Of


They say that times of uncertainty are when you find out what you're really made of. 

Often, there is a hard lesson that leads to the revelation of your true warrior spirit. 

But what most hero stories don't tell you is that the discovery of the inner warrior is only the beginning of the tale. 

What comes after we face what must be faced is what the French call dépouille - that which remains when everything else has been stripped away. 

This is when the sweet fragrance of the soul is revealed through the bare naked beauty of your heart.

If I had to guess, I'd imagine you may be in your own season of dépouille, non? (Who isn't these days?)

As a fellow traveler, I'm thrilled to share some of the most precious gems I've collected on the path in today's ten-minute episode of the podcast. 


Episode 42 - How To Take Unhealthy Behaviors to the Spa


Episode 40 - Some News To Share (Special Announcement)