Episode 71 - My Essential Beauty Habits



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Thank you so much for your condolences and tributes on the news of Winnie’s passing last week. 

I’m slowly adjusting to the absence of my girl, and getting good practice at comforting myself during times of great transition. 

Hence today’s cool whip tub of an episode on my top beauty habits! 

(I find it essential to titrate the dark espresso of heavy times with the yummy sweet cream of fanciness and fun.)

In todays episode you’ll learn how to embody radiance through practical tools, beauty enhancing mindset shifts and sensual beauty rituals. 

P.S. - As a special treat, today’s episode also features a PDF of my top ten must-have beauty products! Click here to grab and nab! 



The aforementioned birthday cape!



Episode 72 - My Essential Beauty Habits • Part 02


Episode 70 - Healing Grief Through Beauty