Episode 46: The Secret Pleasures of Committing To A Goal


On a cold, snowy day back in 2012, I boarded a Metro North train from Grand Central Station to a quaint, quiet town in Connecticut.

My business was just knee high to a grasshopper at the time, and I had a burning desire to create an immersive retreat for my small handful of clients.

There was a retreat center in CT that looked like it could be a fit, so off I went.

I had never hosted a retreat before.

I didn’t know what the hell I was doing.

Like, at all.

But I knew that there when a desire grips you by the tail as strong as this one had gripped me, anything is possible.

So I put down a deposit from my personal savings.

I ordered custom pens and journals for my guests and bought miles of while chiffon to make this colonial New England retreat center feel like a cabana on South Beach.

All of this prep was done before a single guest had even signed up.

By committing to this goal with everything I had, a dream that once felt as formless as air became solid as the earth in my very own hands.

Or if you like, as solid as the aforementioned Kitty Cavalier swag pen.

Creative energy is shaped by the container of commitment.

If you hold a story that committing to a goal is a recipe for disappointment, frustration and being hard on yourself - it might be time for a different kind of story hour.

Hit play on today’s episode, and get ready to tap into a whole new flavor of delight.


Embodied Intelligence Coaching is a proven, somatic process for unraveling limiting beliefs and creating new neural pathways of power. Applications are open now through the end of January, click here to learn more.


Episode 47: How To Hear Your Intuition


Episode 45: Life Lessons From The Burlesque Stage