The Sanctuary
A gathering place for soulful, feminine beings to soften stress, deepen intuition, and nurture a life of beauty, presence, and enchantment, together.
In a world that feels more loud and chaotic than ever, finding a place of sanctuary isn’t a luxury—it’s a necessity.
With never ending distractions and demands on your attention, and technology growing at lightning speed, we need a place to return to the basic building blocks of presence - touch, taste, smell, sound, and spirit.
Technology offers a kind of connection that stimulates our minds, but it doesn’t come close to the kind of connection we long for in our bodies.
As a result, we feel driven by a constant need to consume things that stimulate but don’t satisfy.
With an epidemic of overthinking and under-feeling, your body may feel numb and your mind chaotic, with your inner wisdom either on mute, or screaming like a banshee.
Whew, my friend. Do I relate.
But hear me on this great news:
When finding your center feels impossible, it’s not because of a flaw or failing in you.
It is a flaw in the patriarchal mindset of productivity over presence, domination over desire, and quantity over quality.
These values aren’t inherently bad or wrong—for masculine systems especially, they can be a recipe for thriving.
But for feminine, creative, sensitive souls, this approach can feel like trying to dance to a rhythm that isn’t yours—stifling, disorienting, and ultimately unsustainable.
It pulls you away from your natural flow, leaving you feeling overextended, disconnected, and yearning for something softer and more aligned with the unique pulse of your being.
Imagine a place where you can seduce yourself into a state of presence, through fun, play, and moments of delight.
A place where beauty is a daily ritual, where chaos can fall into a gentle rhythm, and your body becomes your most trusted guide.
A place where rather than rushing, you are invited to linger, to savor, and to soften into yourself.

The Sanctuary is a cozy community of soulful beings who share a passion for beauty, embodiment, and everyday enchantment.
Here you’ll receive the tools, guidance, and support you need to slow down, find a softer path to presence, and weave magic and meaning into your home, heart, and everyday life.
Explore the themes that guide your experience each month
Our Journey Is Guided By The Rhythm of The Seasons
The seasons hold profound wisdom, each offering its own unique rhythm, wonder, and array of delights.
All our lessons and gatherings follow the seasons, harmonizing your inner rhythms with the wisdom of nature. From nourishing winter beauty treatments to expressive rituals to welcome spring, from cozy handmade autumnal crafts to the banquet of summer’s sensory pleasures, our seasonal feast of themes provides a template to naturally embody balance, beauty and flow from the inside out.
Each Week You’ll Receive Small Doses of Magic & Delight
Our weekly rhythm is designed to enrich and enhance the flow of your days through small droplets of delight. Tuesdays you’ll find a treasure in your inbox, such as a poem, a playlist, a personal musing from Mary’s private journal, or a simple recipe to harmonize with the theme of the season. On Thursdays, you’re invited to a live, 30-minute Embodiment Practice for a soothing experience of grounding and nourishment. On Fridays, a new audio charm offers a gentle nudge toward filling your weekend with presence and delight. Each gem invites you to slow down and savor life’s quiet beauty through your senses.
You’ll Discover & Embody A New Goddess Each Month
Each new and full moon we gather to celebrate and learn about the Goddess of the month. Through a custom guided movement journey, evocative writing prompts, and heartfelt prayer practices, these circles invite you to reconnect with vibrance and wholeness by seeing your own life reflected in the divine face of the feminine.
You’ll Receive A Rich Mix of Practical Skills & Everyday Enchantment
The Sanctuary is both practical and deeply soulful. Together, we delve into a rich curriculum, including the arts of intentional home décor, sacred skincare, meaningful adornment, rekindling a love for food, unfurling intuition, and so much more. Alongside these tangible skills, we support you in the inner shifts necessary to awaken your deep aliveness—a vitality that can only be felt and embodied. These practices invite you to live more fully, savor more deeply, and radiate the beauty that naturally emerges from embracing your feminine gifts of receptivity and flow.
You’ll Be Part of A Warm And Caring Community
In The Sanctuary, connection is at the heart of everything we do. Our community is filled with like-minded souls who celebrate and uplift the full spectrum of life in ourselves and in each other. Through weekly gatherings, heartfelt conversations, and a private, off-social media community, we are deeply devoted to creating a circle of belonging that nurtures your spirit.
The Sanctuary Is…
• A practice community to explore a softer, more feminine path to being present, through small moments of beauty, charm, meaning, and delight.
• A collection of inspiring lessons, practices and tools, delivered one gem at a time, designed to fit your life, and slowly weave more moments of quiet magic into your days
• A cozy group that truly cares about each other, and where you can connect directly with Mary and other members, every week.
• A gentle way to grow through small, meaningful changes that lead to big transformations.
The Sanctuary Is Not…
•A huge library of overwhelming content you’re left to figure out alone. We travel together as a community week by week, savoring one ritual and lesson at a time.
•A giant group where you may feel invisible. The Sanctuary is a cozy community of about 30-50 women and femmes. Together we share an intimate journey of wisdom, play, tender prayers, and profound shifts. We offer a private, off-social media community to connect with each other, and where Mary posts from her own personal journey, and reads every community member post, with joy.
•A program that pushes you to force change. In The Sanctuary we move gently, embodying the pace of nature. The seasons guide the natural rhythms of our bodies. We fold beauty and pleasure into everything we do, so taking part feels easy and fun, instead of another task on your to-dos.
A Luxurious Audio Lesson & Enchanting Ritual, delivered every Friday to your inbox
Each week, Mary shares her signature warmth and humor in a 15-minute inspiring audio lesson and ritual. These petite audio pleasures include practical tips, soulful wisdom, and luxurious feminine presence practices to nurture the sanctuary of your home, body, mind, and spirit.
Weekly Live Embodiment Practice w/ Mary
Fill your cup, reconnect with your body, and be guided in a live embodiment practice at our weekly spa treatment for the body and soul. These live, 30-minute gatherings offer a delicious mix of guided movement rituals, radiant beauty practices, soulful journaling, and creative seasonal crafts to nurture and inspire yourself, your body, and the rhythms of nature.
A Weekly Love Letter with Rich Resources
Each Tuesday you’ll find a secret treasure, waiting to tantalize your senses and awaken your creativity, right in your inbox. This is where Mary opens her secret trove of inspiration and resources to perfume your week with delight. You may find an enchanting poem, a fun new playlist, a favorite beauty product, a seasonal recipe, or some other delicious surprise.
New & Full Moon Goddess Practice Circles
Twice a month, we gather for a 45-minute mini-retreat to connect with and celebrate the Goddess of the month. Through a feminist take on ancient myths, guided movement journeys, evocative journaling prompts, and powerful prayers, we explore and embody the wisdom of these timeless dames of distinction. These gatherings help us deepen our understanding of feminine wholeness, nurture our embodied essence, and cultivate a meaningful relationship with the divine feminine.
The Self-Guided Ritual and Resources Garden
Browse our collection of over 20 soothing meditations, playful movement videos, guided beauty rituals, and guest teacher workshops. These offerings help guide your personal Sanctuary practice, providing peace, presence and pleasure whenever you need them.
Seasonal Support Bundles
Our bonus seasonal living bundles are a roadmap to infusing your spiritual practice with nature’s magic. These bundles guide you in celebrating life through the senes. Inside you’ll find a potpourri of storytelling, meditation, music, ritual, and creative prompts to help you cultivate a deeper connection to nature and align your inner rhythms with the wheel of the year.
Meet The Sanctuary Creator, Mary Lofgren
Hello Beautiful Being!
I’m Mary. I’m delighted that you’re here—sniffing and sensing to see if The Sanctuary is right for you.
The Sanctuary is many things: a membership, a place to learn new tools and skills, a close community; but most of all it is a place to quiet the noise and come home to the deeper parts of yourself through a softer approach to presence.
The Sanctuary is unique in that it provides a path to presence that shimmers with beauty, pleasure, and delight.
For some of us, the traditional practices of mindfulness and slowing down can feel too rigid.
This makes sense, considering that most mindfulness practices were created by and for masculine systems, which thrive in solitary practice, disciplined formats, and when pursuing a hero’s journey.
For feminine beings this more masculinized approach to cultivating presence, quite literally, goes against our very nature.
Feminine systems thrive in community. Our superpower is relationship, and our bodies regulate through nurturance, sensory experiences and emotional connection.
I created The Sanctuary as a haven to pursue a softer path to presence that shimmers with beauty and delight—where sensitive souls can meet the miraculous, one small moment of devotion at a time.
I hope you’ll join us on this journey of unfolding into beauty, reclaiming your radiance, and reconnecting with the wisdom of your body in The Sanctuary.
If you’d like to learn more about me, my experience, and my story, you can read my full about page here.
Step Into Your Journey of Magic and Meaning In The Sanctuary
Gems You’ll Receive:
A Weekly Bundle of Charms, Including:
A 30-minute“Sanctuary Spa” live Embodiment Practice with Mary
A Weekly Audio Lesson & Ritual filled with everyday inspiration to infuse your life with enchantment and embodiment
The Tuesday Treasure: A newsletter style, weekly love note with handpicked treasures and rich resources
Monthly Goddess Study Circles to connect with sensory spirituality and feminist themes around the new and full moon
Seasonal Support Bundles to celebrate the turning of the seasons
A Sacred Pause each month where we take a break from new content to integrate and digest the month’s gems
A cozy, off-social media online community for staying connected and inspired between sessions
✓ Enjoy the flexibility of joining one month at a time
✓ Enjoy full access to all Sanctuary benefits, including all resources, classes, and the supportive community.
X A 20-minute, private welcome session with Mary to receive support in your Sanctuary intentions and desires
X Access to seasonal, virtual retreats with other annual members
One Payment of $950
✓ Save $190 when you pay in one payment
✓ Enjoy full access to all Sanctuary benefits, including resources, classes, and a supportive community.
✓ A 20-minute, private welcome session with Mary to receive support and connection in your Sanctuary intentions and desires
✓Access to seasonal, virtual retreats to plan for a season of pleasure and seasonal delight with other annual members
If you identify as a feminine being (which may include women, non-binary folks, trans and genderqueer folks, folks assigned male at birth but wanting to explore their femininity) you’re welcome here! If you have any questions, or suggestions on how we can make this community a more welcoming space, we’re here to help at
We don’t offer scholarships, but we do offer a Resource Redistribution Rate for those who identify as BIPOC, Gender Variant, Sexy Sage (Over the age of 65), Folks with Disabilities, or Single Parent. We also offer this rate to those who live in countries where there is a -3.0 or more difference in the exchange of currency to USD.
Offering this rate is an effort towards the redistribution of resources to those don't experience the same level of privilege as folks who are white, cisgender, able bodied, heteronormative, etc.
We are sorry but we do not have a financial hardship rate available at this time.
Our weekly format looks like this:
Tuesday Inspiration (3-minutes) : An email including a love note from Mary, and an inspirational quote, book recommendation, recipe, etc., to fluff your spirits mid-week.
Thursday Live Embodiment Practice (30-minutes)
Friday Audio & Ritual (about 10-20 minutes)
Monthly Goddess Circles (45-minutes)
All together, if you participate in every moment of the Sanctuary fully, it adds up to about an hour/week.
We think of growth and mental health like a house: therapy provides the foundation for a safe and steady space, personal growth provides the furnishings.
The safety and well being of our community members is our top priority. Mindfulness can be supportive, and it can also be triggering when there is active trauma on board. Personal growth containers are not a substitute for therapy, and can sometimes distract from the very important foundational work of therapeutic healing.
Therefore, if you are experiencing a time of instability, serious depression and/or anxiety, or are actively recovering from serious trauma or PTSD, we gently suggest that you not join the Sanctuary until you feel you are in a place of stability.
Mary is a certified Feminine Embodiment Coach, which is a trauma sensitive method of coaching. It is not, however, trauma centric, and is not indicated for the direct healing or resolution of trauma.
If you are in a recovery process, we may ask for a note from a therapist confirming that it is safe to participate in a coaching container before joining.
We wish you and all humans grace and support on the journey of healing. If you have any questions on this or any of our policies, please reach out to
We host our live events at different times each month so that a variety of time zones can participate. You can check out the calendar for the upcoming season here.
You 'betcha. All live gatherings will be recorded and available in the online Sanctuary Library.
We want to make sure this feels like the right fit, so if after 7 days you feel this experience is not for you, you can request a refund for your purchase amount, less a 10% processing/admin fee.