Do you ever feel like you can’t turn off your brain?

Do you ever feel like you’re mind is in one place but your body is in another?

Do you feel cut off from your feminine energy?

Your Presence is your Power.

When you can’t be present in your body, it’s like you can’t be present in your life. 

  • You feel like time is slipping away.

  • Even when you’re enjoying yourself, you thinking about being somewhere else. 

  • You have a growing sense of disconnection from your body and your life.  

  • Even your self care practices start to feel like work. 

    While are supposedly more connected, most of us feel more isolated than ever before.

    Trauma, care taking others, comparison on social media, the constant ding of alerts on your phone…

    These are just some of the daily triggers that cause you to leave your body and live in your head. 

    Your body is your greatest ally, your closest companion, your finest work of art.

It is a vast system of intelligence; insightful, intuitive, and wonderfully wise.

You may have been taught that putting your body last is the key to getting ahead and being successful. 

But that idea is outdated, and frankly, just untrue. 


Sensuality is a topic that might intrigue you, or make you want to run for the hills.

(Most likely, it does all that and more.) 

You may associate sensuality only with lacy lingerie, tropical vacations, and seductive hunks of dark chocolate.

But what if sensuality could be as simple as…

Arranging a beautiful bouquet of flowers while listening to your favorite aria…

Skillfully massaging your belly with a fragrant oil before bed…

Smoothing on a face mask and snuggling up with your favorite book of poetry…

What if sensuality could be as simple as:

Being present in your body through the joy of your senses.

Connecting to your sensuality will help you create:

- Fuller, richer relationships 

- An inspired, sustainable well of creativity within

- Knowing and speaking your needs

- Feeling confident in your body and at home in your skin

- Being able to discern between triggers and truth 


Each month we’ll furnish your life with tools, techniques and community wisdom.

December: Sane, Grounded, Sensual Holidays

Do you ever feel like the holiday months go way too fast? Do you feel pressured to spend money frivolously, eat more than feels good, or do

January: A Sensual New Year

We’ll kick off the new year with a special intention setting ritual, and explore what it means to re-define your sensuality as a source of power, presence and purpose. With simple, body based exercises you’ll begin to feel more richness in your interactions, more authenticity in your connection, and more alive in your senses. 

February: Sacred Morning and Sensual Evening Rituals

Create a beautiful morning and evening practice to ground your energy, connect to your body and settle your mind.  These sacred times of day are the most sensitive for your body and senses. Together with the community you’ll design a simple ritual to move through your day feeling present, grounded and alive. 

March: A Feminine Approach to Mindful Meditation

Mindfulness is a proven way to change your life. But do you ever find traditional mindfulness practices a bit difficult to stick with? These practices, while undoubtedly useful, were designed by men, for men.  This month you’ll learn how to meditate in an embodied way that honors your feminine, cyclical, nature. Through powerful visualizations, transformative breathwork, fun assignments to connect to your intuition and community exercises, you’ll learn to quiet turbulent waves of thought connect to the deeper, still waters of your mind. 

April: Creating a Sensual Oasis in Your Home 

Create a home that creates instant relaxation the minute you walk in the door.  In this class you’ll learn tangible techniques to simplify your home, tell the unique story of YOU, and make your space a feast for the senses.  

May: Exploring Your Erotic Power 

Experience seduction in your everyday with this special class on the mysterious power we call erotic.  Eroticism is a power that is both feared and revered. Through breathing techniques, embodiment secrets and wise guest teachers, you’ll learn how to use the erotic to light yourself up, connect with your desires, and embrace your sensual nature as a tool for healing and empowerment. 

June: A New Paradigm of Beauty 

In every spiritual, beauty is a way to connect to the divine.  Beauty is how we celebrate our joys and make sense of our sorrows. And yet, we still feel oppressed by beauty standards that equate beauty with youth, and confused about products that offer false promises.  This month you’ll learn a whole new paradigm through which to see and appreciate your beauty, and put that into practice through beauty ritual.  As a practicing esthetician for over 20 years, Mary will teach you powerful rituals to care for your skin and body like a pro. You’ll learn how to read ingredient labels to know if a product is good for you in one glance, how to use ritual to transform how you see yourself in the mirror, and put the power of your beauty back where it belongs - in your own hands. 


I have always felt slightly uncomfortable in my own skin and never like a WOMAN. The School of Sensual Living is teaching me how to stop rushing, how to stop avoiding myself and my body and how to embrace my womanity, my resplendent femininity. I feel more comfortable, confident and feminine every day!!!


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"If you are ready for the awakening of your soul there is a place waiting for you by the glow of candlelight in the School of Sensual Living. When my world turned upside down and my husband almost died, it was the truth telling practices I learned here that helped me to speak the truth I needed to in order to fight for his survival. These are lessons that will last a lifetime. "



“With the tools I’m learning I’m able to tune into the sensations of my body. I've become more comfortable in my skin and am speaking my truth more and more. It is altering course of my life.”



Meet the Founder: Mary Lofgren

Hello! I’m Mary. I’m a passionate writer and a sensual savant. Former burlesque sensation and author of two books under my past persona, Kitty Cavalier. I’ve been a sensual living coach for six years, a licensed esthetician for 20 years, and I’m an experienced movement teacher.

My mission is to help you become best friends with your body through the everyday pleasure of your senses.

For years and years I hated my body.

No matter how many affirmations I stated or bubble baths I drew, nothing seemed to melt the core of shame and anguish I felt at being in, or looking at, my own skin.

All of that changed when I started opening to simple pleasures - not just as recovery and reward, but as a feminine mindfulness practice and a way to own the beauty, wisdom and power of my own body.

Today, my body is my greatest ally and my most cherished work of art. I feel sensually alive, and I rely on my body’s wisdom in every decision I make.

The School of Sensual Living is where I share everything I’ve learned on my path, as well as gather in the worlds best teachers on embodiment, femininity, mindfulness and sensual living. I’m so happy you’re here, and I’d love to have you join us!

When You Join You’ll Receive:


Week One: Live Masterclass with Mary

Equal parts wisdom and whimsy, these masterclasses teach you the art and craft of living your full sensual radiance. You’ll learn invaluable tools to connect with your body, cherish your sensuality, hone your intuition and restore your feminine essence.


Week Two: A New Audio Meditation

Each month you’ll receive a new guided audio meditation that will teach you ancient, powerful techniques for relaxing your mind, centering your body, and opening up your senses with a grounding, feminine approach.


Week Three: Tea Time Q & A

Receive powerful group coaching session and personalized, intimate support from Mary every month. During our group coaching call you can ask a question live, or submit a question in advance and it will be answered on the playback.

Calls take place on zoom video conference at either 12pm EST or 7pm EST depending on the month, to accommodate different time zones.


4. Sensually Spacious Week

To give you time to integrate the content, week four you will receive an inspiring love note to start your week, but no new content will be released.

Plus these bonuses:


BONUS #1: Searchable Member Directory

Get access to a searchable directory, and meet other members from around the world! In addition, when you join you’ll also receive a bonus PDF guide with over 30 ideas for things to do on a sensual living date.


Bonus #2: The Guest Star Salon

No more scouring the internet for the best tips in beauty, sensuality, style and spirituality. Here we serve them up on a silver platter! You’ll learn holistic beauty techniques from a celebrity facialist, the art of poise with a Venus astrology expert, how to simplify your wardrobe with a chic minimalism expert, how to heal through seduction with a burlesque dancing confidence coach, and more. These 20-minute power chats with our favorite wise women are guaranteed to leave you swooning.


Bonus #3: A Members Only Meditation Album

This album was designed specifically for moments when it feels extra challenging to get out of your head and into your body. Meditations for relaxing before bed, rising and shining in the morning, soothing heartache, conjuring creativity, and more await you!

And a very special seasonal bonus:




Beginning November 27th you’ll receive weekly, live support for stay sane, grounded and present in your body during the holidays.

Each Monday in December we’ll meet for 20 minutes on video conference to slow down, savor gratitude, take some deep breaths and set intentions for the week. During this month that can often feel overwhelming and separate you from your body, these short meetups will help you feel focused, fortified and present. This month we forgo the masterclass content to give you time to focus being present with friends and family, but you will still receive your monthly meditation and Q & A Support. We begin our regular masterclass content again January 6th with “A Sensual New Year.”

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"I’ve taken more self improvement courses than I can count, and Mary is the number one teacher I recommend. She has revolutionized personal development through femininity. Every lesson is like a detox tea and a cocktail all in one, in just the right portion to make an profound impact. The lessons float through my head all week, guiding my choices and making me more in tune with my power.



“I can’t recommend this program enough! I have become clear about who I am as a woman. With the support of my SSL sisters, I manifested my dream job! I have learned to take control of my life and build a life that seduces me. I celebrate small victories daily and have established friendships with like-minded women that I cherish deeply.


Being in your body means being able to be present in your life.

It means bringing all of you to the table.

Having a loving, connected relationship with your body doesn’t happen overnight.

But it can happen one baby step…

One deep breath…

One simple pleasure at a time.




  • An interactive monthly Masterclass

  • A New Meditation every month 

  • A Live Q and A every month 

  • A Searchable Member Directory

  • Access to the members only sensual living meditation album

  • Membership to the Sensual Living Lounge, our private online community 

  • 4 New Guest Star Salons/year and access to the full library of salon content

    plus these bonuses:

    • Special Bonus: The Art of Self Massage E-Course valued at $197

    • Savings of $20/month, totaling $240/year

Private coaching with Mary 3x throughout the year

  • A custom curated care package delivered to your home, valued at $100

  • Be In Your Body Texting Club prompts right to your phone, 3x/ week  

  • A Live 2-hour Virtual Retreat with Mary and fellow Luxe Members

Plus and annual membership to School of Sensual Living

  • An interactive monthly Masterclass

  • A New Meditation every month 

  • A Live Full Moon Ritual and Q and A every month 

  • A Searchable Member Directory

  • Access to the members only sensual living meditation album

  • 4 New Guest Star Salons/year and access to the full archive of salon content 


Can I sign up at anytime?

No, enrollment is only open through Friday July 12th at 11:59pm.

How does billing work?

If you choose the annual option, your card will be charged once. If you choose the monthly membership, every 30 days you will be automatically charged $57.  You can cancel a monthly membership cancel at anytime before your monthly renewal date.

How do I cancel my membership?

If you are a monthly member, once logged into the membership site, simply click on “your account” and choose cancel.  No contracts, no fuss. Easy peasy!

What is the refund policy?

If you want to cancel a monthly membership you can do so at anytime within your 30 day billing cycle and you will not be charged again. Please note there are no refunds given for monthly membership plans. Just hit cancel and you will not be charged for the following month’s membership. If you’re on an annual membership plan, if within 30 days you find the program is not a fit, you may request a refund minus a $57 fee for the first month of your membership.

Is there a Facebook Group?

Yes. The Facebook group is a wonderful way to connect with other women in the program and share your insights - HOWEVAH.   The whole point of this program is living in the moment and savor life through the senses, so if you choose not to participate via Facebook or only participate there occasionally, that is no problem whatsoever.

I have more questions, who should I ask?

Contact us at and we will happily get back to you ASAP.

Plain and simple: sensuality is power.

Sensuality is where your most creative, innovative, truthful energy lies.

At the School of Sensual Living you’ll learn how:  

To slow down and speak from the heart.

To never feel guilty for prioritizing feeling good in your body.

To honor your beauty. 

To feel your feminine soul.

To savor deeply. 

To feel exquisitely. 

To see your sensitivity as a superpower. 

Having a loving, connected relationship with your body doesn’t happen overnight.

But it can happen one baby step…

One deep breath…

One simple pleasure at a time.

I’m so glad you’re here.

Come on in…

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