Episode 91 - How To Drench Your Life In Delight



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Today’s episode is a bit of a non-episode, hence why it’s only 3 minutes!

That’s because the richest, most thought provoking, pleasure expanding thing you’ll hear this week cannot be found here, but here!

Recently I sat down with my mentor Jenna Ward on her podcast to share my particular flavor of embodiment and Sensual Living, and the conversation was just too good not to share.

Click here to listen in.

You’ll hear gems on:

  • Sensual living & the souls need for beauty

  • The role of enchantment & ravishment as a path to blossoming

  • The myth of self improvement & what burlesque taught Mary about body love

  • Drenched in Delight - Mary shares some of her current sensual living practices

  • Pleasure beyond capitalism - how we can move beyond buying more stuff (& the hollow pleasure of meaningless purchases) & into the flow of our sensual frequency

  • The discipline required to cultivate pleasure & what to do with those times “I don’t want to do it”

P.S. - In the episode I mention Slow Living Sessions. If you’d like to apply for one, here’s the link!


Episode 92 - The Art of Seducing Yourself


Episode 90 - The 3 Things That Changed Everything