Episode 88 - Perfume Your Life with New Possibilities



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When clients are considering working with me, I often say: “If a positivity coach is what you’re looking for, I may not be your girl.  But a possibility coach? Step right up.” 

Just the word possibility gives my heart golden wings today.  

But it wasn’t always that way.  

I used to scoff and turn my nose up at it like I was the 90’s cartoon Daria.  Rolling my eyes and crossing my arms while the positive thinking cheerleaders rah-rah’d in the background. (I still do sometimes.) 

(Also, I was a high school cheerleader, captain in fact, and I loved every second of it. But that’s a story for another day.) 

It wasn’t until I learned about the way trauma changes our thoughts that I really started to get the power of possibility.

Trauma had shaped my brain to only see the negative in myself and in the world, so I looped the same thoughts, ideas and behaviors over and over until they became wagon ruts. 

When I started looking at the power of possibility, roads in my mind that had been closed for repair began to open up. 

From those new thoughts, new feelings and new inspiring actions started to occur. 

I see this happen for my coaching clients all the time. 

My favorite thing to hear them say is “My whole life is changing, but I haven’t really changed anything!” 

In other words, they’ve dropped the mantle of over-efforting to control their outer world, and have turned the focus to tidying and replenishing the boutique of their inner world. 

In just this one shift on the inner, everything on the outer starts to change. 

Shifting just one degree of orbit can change the whole solar system. 

Just one shift in perspective can change your whole life. 

Give the tassel clad atomizer a squeeze, and let’s perfume your life with possibility.  




Episode 89 - Rituals to Slow Down & Savor The Season


Episode 87 - Italian Inspired Tips for Health and Happiness