Episode 85 - What To Do With Your Restlessness



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First of all, in case you missed it, yesterday I announced a free party I’m hosting called RAVISH: An evening of Art & Embodiment.  I haven’t been this excited about a webinar EVER IN MY LIFE, so click here to reserve your seat

Also, art, beauty and sensuality are a fabulous antidote to restlessness and that’s exactly what you’ll experience at Ravish. Join us. 

Ok, on to today’s tribune! 

Have you ever worn a 100% wool sweater? 

Then you know what it feels like to have 1000 tiny points of friction antagonizing you. 

Do you ever feel like you’re wearing a spiritual wool sweater? 

Like there’s an itch that needs to be scratched or a thirst that needs to be quenched, and you just can’t settle until you solve it? 

As someone whose memoir could be titled “Should I Stay Or Should I Go Now?”, I can relate. 

Restlessness may feel itchy, but at the end of the day it’s just information that something isn’t working. 

How do you meet your restlessness as a friend and companion, rather than a surly pubescent teenager testing your last nerve? 

How can you use restlessness to follow the callings of your creative genius? 

What if restlessness isn’t about shifting the outside, but is a release asking to happen on the inside? 

Fabulous questions.  Let’s find the answers in today’s gems.

Listen in and eject the pebble from your shoe.  

With love under the light of the eclipse, 


PS - Do you ever feel tired of the pressure to improve your life like its a project? Good.  Because your life is a work of art being in creation every day.  Click here to be my guest at Ravish, and make your life a masterpiece.

Relax, recharge, and savor the season through your senses.



Episode 86 - Inviting The Goddess Into Your Home


Episode 84 - Golden Hour Rituals