Episode 83 - 5 Ways To Have Ridiculous Fun On The Dance Floor



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Today’s episode is for all my dancing Queens. 

And whether you know it or not, that means you. 

There was a time not long ago where your body would just erupt in dance.

Before anyone told you how your body should be moving, the music would play, your chubby little knees would start bobbing up and down, and off you’d  go like the little kids in Peanuts.

Lately I’ve been going out dancing 2-4 times a week. 

Honestly, it’s changing me from the inside out. 

I feel more alive than I have in years.  I can feel life force literally flooding back to my body after many, many nights at home over the last three years. . 

Whether you identify as a post-watermelon carrying Baby Houseman, or as a wilting wallflower that stalks the sidelines, today’s episode is for you.

You’ll hear gems like: 

  • Small but powerful bodily shifts that can take you from slightly awkward to simply ecstatic when you dance

  • The one sentence that changed everything about the way I dance, and that also changed everything about my life 

  • A technique to feel more connection and less comparison with other dancers

  • My new favorite dance move, inspired by a 150 pound furry friend 

I can’t wait to see you lit up like a disco ball on the inside and out. 

Let’s boogie!

Relax, recharge, and savor the season through your senses.




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