Episode 51: Loving Your Body, Post Pandemic
Recently I did a survey of what class topics you’d most like to learn from me right now.
The #1 topic that came up was: “How do I love my body post-pandemic?”
As I sit here to write this, my belly is gently pressing against the elastic of my pants.
My braless breasts are almost grazing my abdomen.
You could comb my armpit hair like it was The Fonz.
And still, I feel delicious.
I find loving the body to be more like a marriage than a whirlwind affair.
There are times I feel deeply in love with my body, and times I feel threatened and afraid.
Times I feel wild passionate desire and times I want to passionately slam the door and never come out.
But despite the changing weather system of the relationship, the love I feel for my body remains as the sky.
In today’s episode, I’m opening up my personal treasure box of practices for deep, reverent body love through and after any season.
Come. Let's renew our vows.
P.S. - This week is the final opportunity to save $1000 when you apply for the Embodied Intelligence Coaching Experience.
Ready to live less in the worries of your mind and more in the wisdom of your body?
Begin creating a lifestyle of embodiment, starting today.
Embodied Intelligence Coaching is a proven, somatic process for unraveling limiting beliefs and creating new neural pathways of power. Applications are open now for a limited time. Click here to learn more.
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