Episode 157 - Change Is Afoot: A Transformative Decision About The Future of the Podcast

  • Hello, beautiful, and welcome to the Come to your Senses podcast. I'm your host, award-winning certified feminine embodiment coach, licensed esthetician and enthusiastic foster dog mama to animals across the land, mary Lofgren. Here we explore how to bring more richness, radiance, peace and pleasure to our lives, homes and hearts through the joy of beauty, the wisdom of the body, the warmth of connection and the splendor of the senses. I'm so glad you're here. Pull up a poof and let's dive in. So glad you're here, pull up a poof and let's dive in. Hello, beautiful beings, and welcome to today's episode, which is a continuation of last week's episode, where in last week's episode we celebrated the flinging open of the garden gates of the Come to your Senses Sanctuary, which is a brand new offering. That is, a mindfulness community where we practice the path to presence with a feminine flavor, and I mentioned in that episode that the focus of that episode was to celebrate the opening of the sanctuary and that this week I'd be sharing some more details and announcements about our evolution here at Come to your Senses and some exciting new updates that are going to happen in the next few weeks. So if you're here for the first time, this may not be the best episode. To start with, you might want to go back a few, but you're also welcome to stay right here. And for those of you who are devoted listeners or who have just started your journey with Come to your Senses, I am excited to roll out the royal purple carpet and share some of these updates with you. 


    So I've shared a few times that a few months ago, I took a break from podcasting because I felt like I had run out of things to say, and that is a pretty unusual feeling for a creative tornado like myself. I have this endless well of creativity, and as I tuned in deeper, what I discovered is that I actually have run out of things to say here in this free version of the podcast. So when something isn't flowing, I know my own process is to agonize about what's wrong with me and why I can't just get it together to do better for I don't know a few days, weeks, months, depending on the situation. And then there's this eventual awakening that, oh, actually, there's nothing wrong with me. There's nothing even wrong. It's simply that there's a change that's asking to take place. And so the announcement that I want to tell you is that, starting in mid-July, my regular broadcast of original content we'll be moving to the sanctuary, and here on the public podcast we are going to be switching to a new model which is a conversation and interview model. So there will be new voices, new muses, new friends and personalities that it is time for come to your senses, to expand to accommodate all these new and different perspectives. 


    And it is also time for me, as a facilitator and a teacher and a creator, to take some of the creative energy that I have been thrusting outward over the last four years here on the podcast and start to circle it a bit back inward, and I want to tell you a bit about just what brought me to that realization and that decision. So we have a library of over 150 episodes prior to this one, and I imagine that there are some people who can just sidle up to the microphone and whip out an episode and be one and done. But for me, there is a lot of investment that goes on behind the scenes. In addition to just the investments of running a small business and developing my craft as a professional coach and developing my craft as a professional coach, there is also the investment of my research and just my own lived experience and the personal gems that go on behind the scenes. That feeds the creative fire of what's shared here. You know, recently I went through a difficult experience and, as always happens from just my own life because that's where I teach from I thought, oh, I can't wait to share this. You know, this is going to make a great podcast episode. 


    And this was during the time where I took a break and there was this little voice inside that says do you really, do you really want to share it? Like, do you really want to take this pearl that has emerged from this motherfucking grain of sand that has been rubbing up against you for years, that you just took a brave, vulnerable action to overcome? Like, do you really want to place this in the wild wild west of the internet? And I thought to myself interesting thought self yeah, I do want to share it. And I want to share it in a smaller circle. I want to share it in a place where I know it's going to be received and held with care and where I know that it will potentially have a deep impact in a way that podcasting generally in the public sphere cannot. 


    And what I also want for myself and for my community is not just the ability to deliver these gems to you in your lap, but also to look in your eyes in a live practice and to support you and answer your questions and give you feedback and give you support and give you coaching. And if all you want to do is observe and witness from the sidelines and receive your gems and go, that's fine too. Receive your gems and go, that's fine too. But I was just thinking today about the language of higher self and take the high road and a higher power, and how I have many times in my life, reached and reached and reached and reached and reached and reached go-go gadget arms to my higher self, to the higher road, to the higher power, and that has been my process over the last several months. It's like, oh, I just need to expand, I need to go higher, I need to do better. And now where I as a person and where we as a company are being called is to going deeper and to coming closer to one another. 


    And so, to just round all of that out, beginning in mid-July, my original content will be moving to the sanctuary. There will still be this library of past episodes available here and also, beginning in mid-July, you will be welcomed into the salon to meet a whole couch full of guests that I am so excited to unfurl the genius of here on the podcast and you know, I may still occasionally drop in an episode here or there. I don't want to say you're never hearing from me again after mid-July, but what I do know is that for those of you who feel drawn to the sanctuary, there is a savings that expires soon, on June 27th, there is a opening celebration price that is a special reduced price just for this month of our grand opening. So head to schoolofsensuallivingcom slash sanctuary or just click the link below this episode, and I hope that this has inspired you to join us if you feel called. 


    But I also hope that it has inspired you to tune more deeply into what feels true and to expand into the question of what if there's actually not something wrong with me and I'm not doing it wrong? What if there's just something new that's asking to be born? The last thing I'll share is I heard something recently that was talking about the word God and how God can be really triggering, and this person described it as G-O-D grow or die. So I am so honored and delighted to continue wrapping our vines of ivy around this beautiful garden called Come to your Senses Together. And thank you so much for listening. I will see you in our next episode. Thank you. 

In the last few years, I have joyfully recorded over 150 episodes on everything from red lipstick to reinvention, velour pillows to vulnerability, and so much more. 

I’m so proud of this robust library.  I also find, that I've reached the limit of what I can share in the current, free podcast format.

I’m ready to bring you an even deeper, more personal, more valuable level of tools, gems and stories than ever before.

Beginning in mid-July, I’ll be transitioning away from sharing my original content on the podcast every week, to sharing it inside our new membership community, The Sanctuary.

The podcast itself will continue, with a guest interview format.  I've got a fabulous lineup of mentors, muses and teachers who are ready to contribute their voices, ideas and perspectives.

This news can feel bittersweet, as change often does.  I’ve loved being snuggled up with you, sharing my voice from the floor of my closet, and I will miss it.  

I’m also immensely proud that the spirit of Come To Your Senses has grown beyond our current format, and I’m looking forward to embarking on an even deeper experience with you in The Sanctuary.  

To the New! 

With love and excitement, 


P.S. - To continue receiving my new, original audios every week, join me in the Sanctuary. Our opening rate ends in just a few days, on June 27th.  Don’t miss this chance to save up to $350, and score a private session with yours truly!


Episode 158 - Three Unexpected Paths To More Energy


Episode 156 - How To Create A Big Dream: The Sanctuary Is OPEN!