Episode 114 - The Art of Intuitive Ritual



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Dearest listeners,

I’m feeling a little itchy.

I’ve got some old dry scales of conditioning that need shedding, which is what inspired today’s podcast episode.

Somewhere along the way, I allowed a sneaky core belief to creep into my bones. It’s been whispering to me, telling me that my rituals are illegitimate because they don’t have the approval of some outside source.

Can you relate?

Does your mind tell you that your spiritual power exists somewhere outside of you?

Is your perfectionism coaxing you to do another mile on the hamster wheel?

“If you just get more done,” you mind may preach, “you’ll feel so much more satisfied.”

What if we used ritual to become undone? What if we unorganize?

Maybe the satisfaction is waiting for us just within the clutter we’ve been taught to clear.

The idea that your being could ever be "messy" is a concept I'd love to see you wriggle out of with me. Let's let that scratchy skin of conditioning drop to the floor like the slinkiest of nightgowns.

In today's episode, we're massaging that cramp to your creativity and calling in more celebration and ceremony to your day.

With love -



Episode 115 - Make Your Mind & Body BFF's


Episode 113 - The Art of Deepening Relationships